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CTE Career Pathways

Career Technical Education (CTE) in Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) is a comprehensive and innovative program. CTE courses are designed by industry specific pathways that offer multi-year course sequences leading to post-secondary education options.  All CTE courses integrate core academic knowledge, industry specific technical training, and opportunities for student internships at local businesses. Students who complete a career pathway successfully complete a minimum of a foundation and advanced course in a single field of designed study.

For more information on Pathways in the District, at other schools, visit

Skills students will need to be successful in the 21st Century Workplace


​CTE course outlines are designed to offer five (5) separate columns of information:

  1. General course outline

  2. Hours needed to teach each section of the course

  3. Competencies students will master during the course

  4. Curriculum standards (CTE and Common Core)

  5. Assessments

Community College Articulations

CTE Articulation Agreements are designed to help high school students make smooth transitions from high school to college or technical training courses without duplicating classes.  Students can fulfill requirements for an associate degree or certificate while still in high school.  Some articulation agreements require students to earn college credit through “credit by exam” or earning a minimum of a “B” in the CTE course.  Articulation agreements save students money, time, and most importantly advance their learning in the CTE industry they are most interested in.

CTE courses are written by CTE teachers with input from Community Business and Industry Partners


​Our industry partners are a crucial component in giving teachers direct insight of which specific skills and equipment are needed to prepare students for entry level positions.  Course curriculum is reviewed each year at Curriculum Advisory meetings in order to keep program competencies state-of-the-art and relevant to current industry demands.



CTSO’s are vocational organizations primarily offered through CTE programs at high schools and career technology centers. The following CTSO’s are recognized by Carl D. Perkins and offered at Marina: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and Skills USA.

Read more about Carl D. Perkins funds here.

UC A-G Courses


UC has approved many CTE courses in the elective subject areas.  The University continues to work closely with California educators to encourage and facilitate the development and submission of CTE courses for approval in all “a-g” subject areas. UC Curriculum Integration (UCCI) has enabled the University to make rapid progress toward its CTE goals. The program is dedicated to supporting California high schools as they work to ensure that more students are prepared for success in college and career.

CTE Classroom

CTE classrooms are not your traditional classroom setting. Students are engaged in collaborative discussions and projects, working with equipment and tools, and spend a lot of time out of their seats.


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